Of course there is the obligatory sofa set that every living room requires, but what makes this set unique are all the special tiny details that have been included.

This set is comprised of everything you would need to furnish yours sims living area, including that work from home office area that a lot of us have had to implement over the past year. Rum is also coincidentally Swedish for room, which is very fitting with the Scandinavian thread that runs through all of our collaborations. This fact was ever so delicately pointed out by Felix, many, many, many times. The name is derived from Harrie's Londoner accent and lack of being able to include the o's in the word room. Continuing with our theme of renovating each under served room of the house, it was time to tackle the living room.only one more room left to tackle after this! p Its been 4 long months since the release of JARDANE, so its about time we did this all again. The LIVIN' RUM is a 60 piece custom collection by Felixandre & Harrie, which focuses on the living room.